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Counselor Certification

Your Fast Track to Becoming a Certified Biblical Counselor

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Make Disciples



An explainer video of the potential careers in Biblical Counseling

Watch this 10 minute overview for a speedy orientation.
"Go therefore and make disciples..." (Matthew 28:19).

What my students are saying

It has been my privilege to serve students who are now making disciples around the world.

Earn Your Diploma

We invite you to apply to the Biblical Counseling Academy today. Think forward to next year - you too can be counted among our graduates who are committed to A Gentle Voice in Soul Care. 

Small Cohorts

We want to serve you best, therefore the enrollment & application process is selective. Our goal is to train & certify those who have a clear calling to the ministry of Biblical Counseling. Are you called?


“Thank you, Pastor Jeff, for hearing the call of God on your own life, to go about and begin a ministry that would prolong the future generations who would advocate for the sufficiency of the Bible, because it’s so desperately needed in our day.”


“Being trained as a biblical counselor has been a dream of mine for a long time, many years, and I being in Japan had not had the opportunity to do that until the Biblical Counseling Academy and the online program. So thank you so much for that.”

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. To Him be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen," Ephesians 3:20 says. It is God who is able and who has enabled me. " And again, I’m just so thankful that the Lord has called me to this ministry of counseling.”


“I love how Pastor Jeff has kind of coined the phrase that he sends people to the Wonderful Counselor. And that’s what I get to do, and it’s such a beautiful thing to see these women’s hearts change, and I get to watch and be a part of that, and to come alongside them and watch them grow in the Lord, and I’m just a vessel being used by the Lord, all for His glory.”

“God has allowed me to not only learn His Word, but to love it, and then to be able to live it out. So, I have such a heart connection to biblical counseling, and when I was introduced to it I was like, ‘Yes, this is it.’ The Lord finally answered my prayer of wanting to be used, and wanting to share the hope that I have, and just the transforming power that He did within my life.”

Dr. Hilliard

“Things I learned that were most important to me were the difference between Biblical Counseling and the integrationists’ approach to Christian counseling. I mean, that impacted me quite a bit, because I used to do a little bit of counseling as part of my family practice, and I wish I had known this a long time before.”

“Something most impactful I learned in biblical counseling was the difference between providing encouragement and loving confrontation, and that it’s not us that does the loving confrontation. It’s God’s Word, and wanting to bring them to the Lord Jesus Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit.”

How the program is delivered

We have secured premium software that will bring you results.

You will enjoy learning step-by-step, day-by-day by God's grace! The Learning Management Software is a system proven to get you over the finish line. Your goal is to become a Certified Biblical Counselor. The digital classroom will ensure your success.

  • Self Paced. No Pressure. 1 Year Access
  • Foundations Training with Audio and Video Content
  • Group Zoom Calls w/Jeff Christianson Monthly
  • Digital Assessments, Quizzes, Forms
  • PDF Blueprints, Guides, Charts, E-books and Various Downloads
  • A Student Success Team Ready to Help You
  • Opportunities to Attend Live, In-person Events
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Three Steps to Success

We will help you step-by-step on your path to certification.


Biblical Studies

Classroom instruction through audio lessons, video, and reading assignments will ensure that you are Biblically literate. It's our goal that you know Jesus and make Him Known through the study of the Word of God!

*This is the equivalent of 6 College Credits and offers a tuition value of $2160.00


Evaluations & Exams

We help you pass your evaluations and exams with tutorials. It is important that you understand the Bible academically, but that you also have heart knowledge. We test your head, heart and hands. 

*This is the equivalent of 3 College Credits and offers a tuition value of $1080.00


Counseling Practicum

This is where the rubber meets the road. As one Bible teacher says, "Your Bible should be bound in shoe leather." In other words, let's walk out your faith in the counseling setting. This is where you are mentored for 50 sessions in real soul care moments.

*This is the equivalent of 6 College Credits and offers a tuition value of $2160.00

A look at the inside of our digital classroom


Grab your books!

This is your foundation. The online classroom experience includes audio and video content delivered by Pastor Jeff, your Dean. We will have a series of additional lectures from professors, authors and experts as our guest instructors. You will build a library of books where you will enjoy classics and modern texts covering the foundations of Biblical Counseling. Be ready to read, write and enjoy the curated digital content step-by-step (2 Timothy 2:15).

See Book List


Get ready for your exams!

These exams and evaluations are part of the core training. There are two professors who will grade your exam to ensure nothing is missed. Often, there will be push back from your exam reader asking you for further clarification. Most students seeking certification get stuck at this point and give up (because these exams are not easy). But not you! I will assist you through each exam question. You will have tutorials that are designed to ensure your success. 


Supervised Counseling - Practicum

In this important phase of your certification journey, we will work as a group over Zoom calls to discuss the counseling situation. When you sit with an individual for 1:1 soul care, you make notes of your progress. Supervised Counseling is where we discuss your 1:1 ministry so that you can improve. All sessions are guarded with confidentiality a protocol to protect us from evil speaking (1 Peter 2:1, Titus 3:2, Ephesians 4:29, 31, James 4:11).


More testimonials from past students or members

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Nice to meet you!

My name is Jeff Christianson, the Dean of Biblical Counseling! 

I started training Biblical Counselors in 1998 at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, California under the care of my mentor, Pastor Chuck Smith. The privilege to be a staff pastor at CCBC for over 10 years has abounding fruit that remains! It was at CCBC that I met and married my wife, Jennie. During those years I was trained and discipled by Pastor Bob Hoekstra in Biblical Theology, Growing in Grace, and Counseling God's Way. Pastor Bob charged me, "Jeff, continue to make disciples using the Counseling God's Way curriculum!"  Both of my mentors are now home with the Lord and I take their charge seriously by making disciples wherever I go. 

The approach of this school of ministry is that of a pastor, not of a researcher. I am committed to serving the local churches, pastors and their counseling teams. My primary desire is to explore the word of God with you on these important matters of counseling, discipling, and personal ministry. This Academy is not a research university detailing the various systems of psychological theory. Others have done excellent work in this area. The general references made to psychological theory in this course of study are given to provide spiritual contrasts and biblical warnings. In fact, we have a course called, "Psychology Versus the Bible"!

Today, I serve as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. I am the current President of the International Association of Biblical Counselors, a Professor of Biblical Counseling at Horizon University, the Romans Professor at Calvary Chapel University, and the Founder and Chair of the Biblical Counseling Academy where I will serve you as your Dean of Biblical Counseling and Soul Care! 


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Now Accepting Applications!

Next Cohort Begins Soon. Enroll Today To Secure Your Seat.









What My Students Are Saying!

These brief testimonials will give you an idea of how students are glorifying God as they complete their studies & make disciples!


Meet our pastor-teachers.

We want all those who are in Christ to be “mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28), to be transformed more into Christ’s image (2 Corinthians 3:18), and to be assured of Christ’s love (Ephesians 3:16–19).

"...speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—  from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." 

Ephesians 4:15-16

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